Who doesn’t want to earn lots of money and become rich, everyone wants to become wealthy. Now what we need to do to become rich is hard work and that my friends is absolutely true and correct, no doubt in that but another important thing which we need is smart work together with a little dose of luck. As we all know to become successful in life we need some amount of luck, little smartness and lots of hard work to succeed and accomplish our goals, this is a fact that however much hard work we do if we are not working smartly and we are lacking that some amount of luck then our chances of becoming successful are low. Let us have a look at it like this. In our daily life we meet so many people each and everyday who are working really hard and still they are not successful. Behind their failures the main reason is their luck and lack of smartness. Now we may think like this: how can luck be measured and how can someone get lucky? Yes this is absolutely rig...